![Ari presenting at SRCD](https://badco.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2556/2018/10/Ari-at-SRCD-400x300.jpg)
This week, Ari traveled to Philadelphia to present her work on the influence of race on the relationships between parent-teacher interactions with behavioral symptoms.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Special Topics Meeting: Promoting Character Development Among Diverse Children and Adolescents: The Roles of Families, Schools, and Out-Of-School-Time Youth Development Programs
October, 2018 - Philadelphia, PA
Romano-Verthelyi, A.M., Johnston, O.G., & Burke, J.D. (2018, October). The influence of race on parent-teacher involvement and child behavior problems. Poster presented at the Society for Research and Child Development Special Topics Meeting: Promoting Character Development Among Diverse Children and Adolescents, Philadelphia, PA.