Month: July 2021

BADCO’s First Graduates!

Oliver and Olivia, having completed their internships and passed their dissertation defenses, become the first BADCO students to graduate!  Congratulations to our first BADCO emeritus members. đŸ˜„

Olivia successfully passes her doctoral defense!

FĂ©licitations, Dr. Derella!

On July 8, 2021, Olivia successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, “Emotional Characteristics of Irritable Youth and Their Parents: Frustration Reactivity, Distress Tolerance, and the Socialization of Emotion and Coping.”


Jeffrey D. Burke, Ph.D. (Chair)

Stephanie Milan, Ph.D.

Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan, Ph.D.


Carolyn Green, Ph.D.

Karen Seymour, Ph.D.