Month: May 2019

BADCO at APS Convention in Washington, D.C.; Olivia wins APS Grant!

Derella APS Poster BADCO students recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to present research at the 31st Annual Convention for the Association of Psychological Science (APS)!


Derella, O.J., Carlone, C., & Milan, S. (2019, May). Parent-child emotional processes maintaining maternal depression: Contributions of maternal guilt and perceived responsibility for children’s emotions. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.


Romano-Verthelyi, A.M., Lebrija, N., Burke, J.D., & Derella, O.J. (2019, May). The role of parent perception on parent-teacher communication and child behavior problems. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Convention for the Association of Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.


Olivia is also awarded an APS student research grant!

(announced at 1:25)


Oliver completes Quantitative Research Methods Certificate Program!

Congratulations to Oliver for fulfilling all the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Research Methods! This included coursework in longitudinal data analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling, and advanced modeling using latent variable techniques!

For more information about UConn’s Quantatitive Research Methods Certificate, check out

New publication in Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology!

Congratulations to Olivia, Jeff, and their Pittsburgh Girls Study collaborators on their newly published article examining the reciprocity between girls’ ODD symptoms and aggressive parenting practices!

Derella, O.J., Burke, J.D., Stepp, S.D., & Hipwell, A.E. (2019). Reciprocity in undesirable parent-child behavior? Verbal aggression, corporal punishment, and girls’ oppositional defiant symptoms. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. Online first.