Month: November 2019

BADCO research at ABCT; Oliver wins poster award

BADCO Lab at ABCT 2019 in Atlanta!


Jeff Symposium ABCT 2019

Members of the BADCO lab headed to Atlanta, GA to present their research at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Convention.


Burke, J.D. & Butler (Bertschinger), E.J. (2019, November). Childhood chronic irritability and the prediction of suicidality in adults: Differential informant effects. In J.D. Burke (Chair), Irritability in childhood: Measurement, predictive utility and treatment. Symposium conducted at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.


Butler (Bertschinger), E.J. & Burke, J.D. (2019, November). Parental depression and child treatment response: Parental stress and parenting as mechanisms. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.


Johnston, O.G., Barber, J., Derella, O.J., & Burke, J.D. (2019, November). Identifying intervention targets for oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in college students. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

ABCT Award Congratulations to Oliver whose poster on intervention targets for ODD in adults won the Elsie Ramos Memorial Poster Award! Here he is with the other two award winners, along with Bruce Chorpita, Ph.D. (ABCT President), Cassidy Gutner, Ph.D. (ABCT Awards & Recognition Chair), and Sara Elkins, Ph.D. (Student Awards Subcommittee Chair).

For more about the award, check out

Claudia Poster 2019 BADCO members even ran into Claudia Paszek, a former undergraduate research assistant extraordinaire, who was presenting some of her research she has been working on as a research assistant at Brown University!