Month: January 2021

Comparison of Diagnostic Requirements for Mental Disorders in ICD-11 and DSM-5 is published in World Psychiatry

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First, M. B., Gaebel, W., Maj, M., Stein, D. J., Kogan, C. S., Saunders, J. B., Poznyak, V. B., Gureje, O., Lewis-Fernández, R., Maercker, A., Brewin, C. R., Cloitre, M., Claudino, A., Pike, K. M., Baird, G., Skuse, D., Krueger, R. B., Briken, P., Burke, J. D., Lochman, J. E., Evans, S. C., Woods, D. W., Reed, G. M. (2021). An organization- and category-level comparison of diagnostic requirements for mental disorders in ICD-11 and DSM-5. World Psychiatry, 20(1), 34-51.